TokoTugumas- Tempat Penyimpanan Tersembunyi disini maksudnya agar tempat yang sempit atau tidak terlalu besar bisa di fungsikan untuk berbagai tempat penyimpanan yang sangat berguna misalnya untuk tempat tidur, meja kerja ataupun untuk yang lainnya seperti beberapa contoh gambar dibawah ini...
With properties getting smaller and smaller, what solutions are out there to free up the floor area? We take a look a some space saving heroes…
- This pull-out dining design, by Alno, may look like a lightweight worktop extender, but features sturdy seats that can cope with loads up to 100 kilograms and a very generously sized table top that simply slides away after dinner.
- Many modern abodes enjoy mini mezzanine living areas, but what about all of that unutilized space that lurks beneath? This bed that can be hidden under raised floor space is a perfect addition.
- Above 3 via Get the Point
- A similar, sideways solution by m-dept
- Folding beds have been around since the dawn of the Murphy Bed in 1918, but what about a bed that appears not from a wall closet, but from the ceiling? The ‘BedUp’ does just that!
- The space saving–though not very money saving–Tower Kitchen, by Philippe Starck for Warendorf. appears as two revolving tower-shaped elements that each consume only one square metre of floor space. Offering space for all of the necessary utensils, accessories, and of course food, they also boast an integrated oven, steam oven, dishwasher, fridge-freezer and a microwave!
- Here is another concept that pushes things to the extreme. Seating doubling up as a kitchen countertop. Design by VestalDesign.
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